Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Renaissance hairstyles

The last time I had written an article about what the women in the paintings starting from the 15th century wore. This time I would like to look at the hairstyles of those women in the paintings. Especially those of who lived during the Renaissance. I believe they have the most creative hairstyles ever.

If you want to see a variety of hairstyles I suggest starting with the paintings of Antonio del Pollaiuolo. The Italian painter painted the pictures of many different ladies. Each has interesting hairstyles which decorated with jewelry or bands.

And Sandro Botticelli... The painter of the most beautiful women... I had used the painting "The Birth of Venus" in the "Fashion in the Paintings" article. I feel the urge to use that photo once more. Because she has also nice hair. 

In his paintings we see mostly the women with blond and curly hair... The hairstyles might seem a little bit complex for our day. However we can make little changes. Instead of so many pearl-laces braids or headband, you can get just one or two and use them in a way you like.

Do you like to use buckles with pearl? Or buckles with shiny stones and headbands?

I try imagining those two hairstyle above by wearing a t-shirt and jeans... And I can say that it is really cool...

If you want to learn more about the women in Botticelli's paintings, you can search the name "Simonetta Vespucci"... She was a noblewoman from Genoa. It is believed that she was the muse for him and other painters of the time...

In the painting by Pierro di Casimo below, the woman is suppossed to be Simonetta Vespucci as well. That hairstyle can be used in a wedding maybe.

A painting by Antonio Boltraffi. The woman with reddish hair has a modest hair style. However it looks cool with the band around the head. Doesn't she remind you also of those flower children in the 1960's?

The German painter Lucas Cranach is also one of the Renaissance painters who painted the pictures of many women. Here are some hairstyles...

Do you like to use hats as accessories? Do you like hair buns or just leaving your hair free? Maybe in summer times buns are a better choice...

From those paintings above we can conclude that the women in the past certainly spent much more time for their hair than us... Today I hardly see any women who use hair accessories although they are easy to be found in many shops... If you have any I would like to see your photos with them and I can add them here...


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